
Infraestructuras e Servizos

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Effect of crushed mussel shell addition on bacterial growth in acid polluted soils

Applied Soil Ecology
Volume 85, January 2015, Pages 65–68

We applied three different doses of crushed mussel shell (CMS) on two Cu-polluted acid soils to study the effect of these amendments on the growth of the bacterial community during 730 days. Soil pH increased in the short and medium term due to CMS addition. In a first stage, bacterial growth was lower in the CMS-amended than in the un-amended samples. Thereafter, bacterial growth increased slowly. The soil having the highest initial pH value (4.5) showed the first significant increase in bacterial growth 95 days after the CMS amendment. However, in the soil with the lowest initial pH value (3.8) bacterial growth increased significantly only after 730 days from the CMS addition. The highest dose of CMS caused that, at the end of the incubation period, pH value have increased 2 units, whereas bacterial growth was 4–10 times higher. In view of these results, CMS amendment could be considered as an agronomic sound practice for strongly acid soils (pH <4.5).