
Infraestructuras e Servizos

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Postdoctoral position - Design of new polyurethane-based hydrogels

Hydrogels find numerous applications in medicine. The goal of this project is to develop together with an industrial partner, new functional pre-polymers systems as a component of polyurethane based hydrogels. The project will be constituted of the synthesis and characterization of pre-polymers, the synthesis and preparation of hydrogels based on these polymers and finally by evaluation of physico-chemical, physical and mechanical properties of the resulting materials (swelling ratio, wettability, rheology, flexibility, mechanical properties, roughness of the surface, etc…)

The laboratory and the team:
This postdoctoral position will be carried out in the frame of an industrial cooperation at the laboratory of Photochemistry and Macromolecular Engineering (LPIM) in Mulhouse. The project will be held within the team Chemistry and Physico-Chemistry of Polymers under the supervision of Professors Sophie BISTAC and Jean-François STUMBE 

Profile of the applicant:
The applicant must have strong competencies in the area of synthesis and characterisation of polymers as well as in physico-chemistry of polymeric material. An experience in the specific area of complex macromolecular architectures and / or of polyurethanes (chemistry and physico-chemistry) is a must. In addition, experience in the domain of hydrogels will be strongly appreciated. Finally, the applicant should have a strong ability in French and/ or in English (spoken and written). 

For more information and for application, please contact:

Pr. Jean-François STUMBE 
Tel. ++33 (0)3 89 33 67 59

A detailed CV, plus motivation letter and reference letter(s) from the PhD supervisor and last(s) postdoc(s) supervisor are required for evaluation of the application.

Université de  Haute-Alsace
Laboratoire de Photochimie et d’Ingénierie Macromoléculaires
3 rue Alfred Werner - 68093 MULHOUSE CEDEX - FRANCE
Tél. +33 (0)389 335 025 - Fax +33 (0)389 335 014