
Infraestructuras e Servizos

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Proteome changes in Garnacha Tintorera red grapes during post-harvest drying

LWT - Food Science and Technology, 69 (2016) 608–613

Fruit raisining is accompanied by changes in composition due to the joint action of water loss and modifying enzymes. Cell walls in grape berries form a barrier against diffusion of aromatic and polyphenolic compounds that influence wine quality. In this work, fresh and post-harvest dried grape samples of Vitis vinifera L. Garnacha Tintorera variety were compared in terms of proteome. The main change observed during raisining was over-expression from 14 to 47% of proteins involved in pathogen- and stress-resistance mechanisms, whereas metabolism-related proteins or those involved in the transcription and synthesis of other proteins decreased, respectively, from 43 to 27% and from 29 to 13%. These changes are important in the functional qualities and stability of the sweet wines obtained, since affect interactions with other macromolecules or metabolites.