
Infraestructuras e Servizos

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Job opportunity: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Colloid and Surface Chemistry of Coal Processing and Flotation - Faculty of Engineering, Architecture & Info Tech at Brisbane

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Colloid and Surface Chemistry of Coal Processing and Flotation
Job no:499776

Area: Faculty of Engineering, Architecture & Info Tech
Salary (FTE): Advertised at multiple classifications
Work type: Full Time - Fixed Term
Location: St Lucia, Brisbane

School of Chemical Engineering

Engineering is an international leader in the chemical engineering field and has an excellent international reputation which has been built over four decades at the University. With 35 academic staff, including 17 professors, the School provides quality programs and leadership in chemical engineering education, research and development, and expert consulting to support the process industries. The School conducts undergraduate teaching in the disciplines of chemical, biological, environmental and metallurgical engineering and teaches into postgraduate programs in growing fields including integrated water management and energy studies. The School's project centered curriculum was recently chosen in a RAE & MIT study as one of six global exemplars in leading engineering education. UQ Chemical Engineering was recently ranked in the top 16 worldwide in QS subject rankings for chemical engineering and was the top ranking school in Australia. It was also given the highest score awarded for chemical engineering in Australia in the recent ERA study.

The role

The successful appointee will develop relevant experimental and modelling approaches to investigate and relate the roles of colloidal forces and surface chemistry of coal, mineral and tailings in dewatering and flotation. It may include AFM, zeta meters, tensiometers, XPS, dewatering experiments, flotation experiments and pilot scale studies; and model development involving DLVO/EDLVO theory. The appointee will assist in designing and interpreting experimental and modelling approaches that validate the theories on flocculation, dewatering kinetics, bubble-particle interactions in flotation, and publish high impact papers in top journals and conference proceedings. There are opportunities to collaborate with research teams and to supervise honours, masters and doctoral students.

The person

Applicants should possess PhD in froth flotation, with a focus on colloid and surface chemistry, demonstrated expert knowledge in flotation, dewatering, colloid and surface chemistry, and demonstrated skills in using instruments of dewatering. flotation, colloid and surface chemistry. They should have high level communication skills, ability to work collaboratively with students and colleagues, experience in writing reports and papers.


This is a full-time, fixed term appointment at Academic level A or B. The remuneration package will be in the range $79,171 - $89,459 p.a., plus employer superannuation contributions of up to 17% (total package will be in the range $92,630 - $104,667 p.a.).
Position Description

Download File 499776_NEW_Postdoctoral Research Fellow.pdf


To discuss this role please contact Anh Nguyen on +61 7 3365 3665 or anh.nguyen@eng.uq.edu.au.
To submit an application for this role, use the Apply button below. All applicants must supply the following documents: Cover letter, Resume and Selection Criteria responses.
For information on completing the application process click here.
Advertised: 10 Nov 2016
Applications close: 22 Dec 2016 (11:55 PM) E. Australia Standard Time