
Infraestructuras e Servizos

Thursday, 11 June 2020

AA1 & EcoChestnut

EcoChestnut project aims at enhancing the development opportunities and boost the growth potential of European chestnut farmers & chestnut products producers.
EcoChestnut main output is an online comprehensive and tailored training on organic chestnuts farming & chestnut products manufacturing. The course focuses also on enhancing the competences on marketing strategy, communication with customers, and diversification of the activities.
EcoChestnut project supports farmers and producers in development of their potential for production and promotion of organic chestnuts & chestnut products. EcoChestnut will also provide the vocational trainers with learning methods and material to encourage farmers in their initiative.


The EU chestnuts market has been experiencing a strong growth in demand for organic chestnut products for the last 10 years. This demand is unsatisfied in volume, so it has to rely on non-EU imports to be satisfied. The Project aims at enhancing the competitiveness of the EU chestnut farmers and producers.

The main objectives are:
  1. Develop specific knowledge on production and promotion of Organic Chestnuts & Chestnut Products through a tailor made training course for farmers & producers.
  2. Support chestnut farmers & chestnut products producers to enter the market of Organic Chestnuts & Chestnut Products in order to enhance their development opportunities and their growth potential.
  3. Raise awareness in chestnuts & chestnut groves as part of cultural, historical and landscape heritage of the countries that produce them.
  4. Promote sustainable agricultural farming & encourage the application of organic farming among new and existing chestnut farmers and producers.
To answer this needs, EcoChestnut proposes
  1. The EcoChestnut Learning Model
  2. A Training Course on Organic Chestnuts & Chestnut Products
  3. A Manual for Trainers
  4. A Guidebook on Certification of Organic Chestnuts
  5. A Handbook on “Utilize the potential of the chestnut groves”
The project is running from November 2019 to April 2022.

Project number
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This website and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

More information following this link