
Infraestructuras e Servizos

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Plant-Food Guarantee and Improvement


The series includes 3 live Webinars that will take place between 5-19 June 2020, starting at 11:30 AM, on the remote campus of Vigo University (Link). They will be carried out by leading professors and postdoctoral researchers in this subject area.

 Date: June 5th, 2020

11:30- Greetings and presentation

11:35- Pre and post-harvest factors determining fruit nutritional quality.
Presenter: Bruno Mezzetti, Prof.- Full Professor Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences – Università Politecnica delle Marche. Higlhy Cited Researcher 2019. (Visiting professor)

12:10- Circular Bio-Economy and the Case of Phenolic Compounds from Food By-Products.
Presenter: Jesús Simal Gándara, Prof.- Full Professor Department of Food and Analytical Chemistry– Vigo University. Higlhy Cited Researcher 2018.

12:30- Models for Quantification of Individual, Synergistic, and Antagonistic Anti- and Pro-Oxidant Responses.
Presenter: Miguel Angel Prieto Lage, PhD- Postdoctoral Researcher (Ramón y Cajal), Department of Food and Analytical Chemistry – Vigo University.

12:50- Discussion

 Date: June 12th, 2020

11:30- Greetings and presentation

11:35- Breeding and biotechnology for improving nutritional quality.
Presenter: Bruno Mezzetti, Prof.- Full Professor Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences – Università Politecnica delle Marche. Higlhy Cited Researcher 2019. (Visiting professor)

12:10- Technological Application of Tannin-Based Extracts.
Presenter: María Fraga Corral, PhD- Postdoctoral Researcher (Xunta de Galicia), Department of Food and Analytical Chemistry – Vigo University.

12:30- Phenolic Compounds as Nutraceutical Tools for the Prevention of Metabolic diseases.
Presenter: Tamara Forbes Hernández, PhD- Postdoctoral Researcher (Juan de la Cierva), Department of Food and Analytical Chemistry – Vigo University.

12:50- Discussion

 Date: June 19th, 2020

11:30- Greetings and presentation

11:35- RNAi technology for food security and safety.
Presenter: Bruno Mezzetti, Prof.- Full Professor Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences – Università Politecnica delle Marche. Higlhy Cited Researcher 2019. (Visiting professor)

12:10- Phenolic Compounds as Nutraceutical Tools for the Prevention of Cancer.
Presenter: Francesca Giampieri, PhD.- Distinguished Researcher, Department of Food and Analytical Chemistry – Vigo University. Higlhy Cited Researcher 2019.

12:30- Bioactive compounds recovery from winery industry by-products: vine shoots as study case.
Presenter: Particia Gullón Estévez, PhD- Researcher Laboratory of Microbiology and Technology of Marine Products, Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (IIM-CSIC).

12:50- Discussion