
Infraestructuras e Servizos

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Special Issue about the “Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Agriculture”


For the past few years, the increasing world population has given place to an increase in the demand for food products.

A large number of variables (agronomic, climatic, political, economic, etc.) can influence on agricultural production. All these features give rise to a large database that can be used to develop tools aimed at improving the management practices, production, harvesting, processing, conservation, selling and subsequent waste treatment that could solve the future challenges related to the climate variation, proliferation of diseases, crops improve and supply.

These tools, from the simplest (regression) to the most complex (neural networks, vector support machines, among others) allow to expand the existing knowledge to the entire agricultural process (from cradle to cradle).

The aim of this Special Issue about the “Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Agriculture” is to collect the most recent research using any kind of AI model related (but not limited) to: machine learning, remote sensing, machine vision, modelling, prediction, optimization, decision support, food authenticity, big data, blockchain, etc.

You are welcome to send research articles, reviews, communications and concept papers. Manuscripts should be submitted online at www.mdpi.com


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine learning
  • Deep learning
  • Image Analysis/Processing
  • Computer Vision
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Big Data/Cloud Computing
  • Remote Sensing
  • Modelling/Prediction/Optimization
  • Decision support