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Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Genetic variability, combining ability and molecular diversity-based parental line selection for heterosis breeding in field corn (Zea mays L.)

 Mol Biol Rep 49, 4517–4524 (2022)

The demand of maize crop is increasing day by day, hence to reduce the production and demand gap, there is a need to extract the high yielding parental lines to improve per se yield of the hybrids, which could help to enhance the productivity in maize crops.

Methods and results
The present investigation was carried out to select the best medium maturing inbred lines, among a set of 118 inbred lines. Based on the Duncan multiple range test, out of 118 lines, 16 inbred lines were selected on the basis of its high yield per se and flowering time. The molecular diversity was carried out using SSR markers linked to heterotic QTL and up on diversity analysis it classified selected genotypes in to three distinct groups. Among the selected inbred lines, a wider genetic variability and molecular diversity were observed. A total of 39 test crosses were generated after classifying 16 inbred lines in to three testers and thirteen lines (based on per se grain yield and molecular diversity) and crossing them in line × tester manner.

Combining ability analysis of these parental lines showed that female parents, PML 109, PML 110, PML 111, PML 114 and PML 116 showed additive effect for KRN and grain yield, whereas male parents, PML 46, and PML 93 showed epistatic effect for KRN and PML 102 showed epistatic effect for grain yield. The generated information in the present investigation may be exploited for heterosis breeding in filed corn.

Key messages
To tackle the balanced dietary requirement of Indian population; we focused to enhance the productivity of maize hybrids using genetically broad based, elite, diverse inbred lines. Combination of selection criterion, not only augment the productivity but also improves the quality of hybrid/s.