
Infraestructuras e Servizos

Wednesday, 4 January 2023

Two Years of Life for a New Journal: Compounds

 Compounds 2023, 3, 37-39

The present year marked the third year of Compounds (ISSN 2673-6918), which was born in 2021 with the aim of providing a platform for the communication of scientific achievements in the field of the synthesis, characterization, and properties of chemical compounds from both a theoretical point of view as experimental.

During its first two years, the articles published in Compounds were viewed more than 60,000 times, which demonstrates the impact that our journal is amassing among the scientific community. These data stem from article metrics available on the MPDI publishing platform, where multiple requests originating from the same IP address are counted as one view/download. On the other hand, according to Crossref, the articles that we have published already have fifty citations.